A radio signal travels through a buried wire, marking the boundaries you wish to set for your dog. Your dog wears a receiver collar that detects the signal at the boundary. As your dog approaches the boundary, the receiver issues a warning tone. If he proceeds further, he receives a safe, but startling static correction. While harmless, the correction will persuade him to stay in the containment area you have established. The Deluxe UltraLight receiver collar offers 4 levels of correction, plus tone-only adjustable to your dog’s temperament. Covers 5 acres.
System Includes:
- Transmitter with power adaptor
- Deluxe Ultralight receiver with adjustable collar for neck sizes 6 to 26 in.
- Surge protector
- Product Manuel
- 6V lithium battery ( PetSafe RFA-67)
- 500 ft. of wire and 50 training flags
- Test light tool
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